Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pima Air and Space Museum

Denny loves all the Air and Space Museums. I think it is a man thing. I like all the old and unusual planes. That's it. Denny has a tendency to look at every single one, so it takes hours.
Good looking pilot

This is the stuff I like. It is the smallest plane ever flown. It was only made to break the record of the smallest plane. It flew once, just to see if it could and it did. The wing span is only 6' 6" long. The length is 8'.
Not sure what this is,but it is a very unusual plane. They only made a few of these. It didn't do what they thought it would.

Many of you know that my father was a pilot in WWII. This is one of the planes he flew. Just thinking about him being at the controls of such a large plane always gives me this amazing feeling.

Had to take a picture of this. This wreckage was brought up in Lake Washington in the 70's.

Across from the Museum is the Davis Monthan Air Force Base. They have the only military "bone yard" area in the US. All of the military planes are brought here to mothball for scrap or future use, if needed. There are planes from the Navy, Army, Air Force and some civilians. There are acres and acres of them sitting on the ground. They cover all the glass and fragile areas with a very thin plastic so that the interiors don't get hot. It is all the white you see on the planes.

Finally, this is all the sightseeing we did in Tucson. There are many things we didn't see. That is the best thing about retirement. There is always next year. Tucson is a very interesting place. We really enjoyed it.
One of the best dinners we had was in the middle of nowhere. We really don't go out for meals much except when we are sightseeing. Most of the restaurants in those places are fast food types. At the Desert Museum, they actually had a sit house restaurant with cloth napkins and tablecloths. It was one of the best meals we have ever had. I had mentioned in an earlier blog about all the food they make out of prickly pear cactus. I had a prickly pear cactus margarita. I hesitated because it was in the middle of the day, but I wanted to see how it would taste. The color was a beautiful hot magenta. Not sure if that was from the cactus or what. My chicken breast, Southwestern style was wonderful. It also had prickly pear in it. Denny had a Kobe beef burger.

I'm finally caught up with all my blogs. There was so much to see in Tucson. Because I wasn't sleeping well, I didn't feel like doing anything when we got back to the RV. I just wanted to sit.

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