Friday, December 24, 2010

Calm, Dry and 65 degrees-YEA!

December 24, 2010

Yesterday was the first nice day we have had in a long time.  It was wonderful to have a good nights sleep with no rain and wind. Felt so nice to be out and about without it raining.  Haven't really slept good for several days because, in an RV, you hear so much more of the rain and wind.  We took a walk in the morning and couldn't believe the difference in water levels.

Today it is suppose to be 66 degrees, but it is only 11:30 and it is already 65.  It is still below normal, but we think it is wonderful. The sun is shining and all is well in Southern Ca, at least here. The damages are the in the billions of dollars in other parts.  The worst day was Wednesday, the day after we got here. Some places had 3" per hour.  It is suppose to be nice for a few days, then a little rain, but nothing like before.

Wednesday  morning we couldn't even get to the Family Center on foot.   We wanted to sign up for the Christmas potluck.They had even closed the park. Good thing we came the day before. Not sure what we of done if we couldn't have gotten in.

This is a nice park, once the water went down. There are canals running thru the park. We are backed up on a canal.  You can fish in the canals. Not us.

I took this same picture yesterday and everything was underwater up to the bottom of the deck.

This happened right after the rain stopped. What a sight. This was taken out the back of the Monster.

I took this yesterday morning. In my last post, I showed this same road completely under water.  The field next to the road is very low, with no drainage. It goes over the road and into the park. I am in the exact same spot as the picture before. The man is Denny.

These geese didn't like us walking near them. They were in the water when we first got there. We never stopped walking. They certainly didn't like us. They were making alot of noise for us to get out of their territory.

We just back from our 2nd walk around the park. We were able to go to areas that we couldn't before today. When I first started this posting, I said it was going  to get to 66 degrees. It is now 71 and we changed into T shirts.  Haven't had those on for a while.  Also have the door open and I am barefoot. Finally!

Have a Merry Christmas everyone. We miss and love  you all

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


December 22, 2010

We got to our new campground in Menifee Ca. yesterday.  It had rained all afternoon and evening of the 20th. We were on top of a  hill at the park. We had  to  cross a bridge to get to the entrance of the park. The bridge was washed out. That was our first  indication that it wouldn't be an easy trip.  We had to go out the emergency exit at the back. We decided to stick to the freeways as much as possible because  a lot of the side roads are flooded.  We even had to go through  water just to get to the freeway.  We did okay for awhile but then had to get off the freeway to get where we were going.  The road that I thought would be the best was closed because of flooding. YIKES!  The road we had to go on had A LOT of water over the road. At times the visibility was down to 1/4 mile.  Very stressful. Then we had to get back on another freeway. We were going 5 miles an hour because they had closed 3 lanes to  fill potholes. We had to bypass completely our next freeway because of mudslides onto the road. We certainly had to take a roundabout way. Our easy 2 hour trip turned into a stressful 4 hours. Denny is such an excellent driver in all conditions. I think I'll keep him.

We were so glad to get here, only to find that a majority of sites were under water. We were lucky to find a site on a little higher ground. We went for a walk after we got here to check everything out. Couldn't believe all the water. We just got back from taking another walk and couldn't believe how much more water there is than yesterday.

 We have to dry out our shoes and socks every time we go out. I discovered  I  have a hole in my shoes!

Denny ready to go for a walk. You can see how wet the ground is

 My O My!  This is the road in front of the park that we came on yesterday

OOPS! Somebody didn't realize where the ditch was

I know you have all heard about the wind and rain in California. Well, it is worse than you can ever imagine. We are right in the middle of it. It is worse than I have ever seen in Seattle. California roads and houses are not built with rain in mind, that's why it is so much worse when it happens. So many houses have been destroyed from the mud. LA had almost 7" in 5 days. The whole town of Laguna Beach is under water.

We came for warm, dry weather.  When is that going to start?  Didn't know we should have brought knee high rubber boots.  We have been gone over a month and had 2 days of nice weather. We could have stayed home. Hopefully Palm Springs is better.

Monday, December 20, 2010


December 20, 2010


Except for the one day we went sightseeing, there has  been heavy winds and rain for over a week..  California hasn't had this much rain for decades. Just our luck! There are mud slides everywhere.  The wind and rain  hasn't stopped for over 24 hours.  We are leaving tomorrow for Menifee. It is southeast of LA and close to Palm Springs. I'm a little nervous about leaving because there is rain over parts of the roads. The roads are not built to have a lot of rain.  We went today to fill up on gas and  had to go through quite a bit of water. Not sure if it will be better down south.  I hope so, but it is happening all over Southern California.  Palm Springs is even  a lot cooler than usual.

We will probably take a different  route than we were going to. We were going on some side roads but I think we'll stick to more freeways.  The side roads have more of a chance of  having water over the road.

Wish us Luck

Sunday, December 19, 2010

La Brea Tar Pits

December 16, 2010

Last Thursday was the best day to go sightseeing.  It was sunny and clear.  The days before and since have had pouring rain. We  decided to buck the traffic in LA and go see the La Brea Tar Pits.  Very surprising to see them  in the middle of expensive Beverly Hills.   Of course, they were there long before Beverly Hills.  They were first discovered around 1905.  In just 5 years they unearthed over 1 million bones of prehistoric animals.  The animals went down to get water and got stuck in the tar and couldn't get out. Then the predators came and couldn't get out either.  The tar is a thick sludge. In the museum there are tubes to try and lift out. No way.  We saw young guys who  couldn't even do it.  To get there we went on Wilshire Blvd, thru  Beverly Hills and onto Rodeo Drive. It is the most expensive 3-4 block shopping area in the United States. Amazing to see how the "other people"  shop.  On our way out we went thru the not so good areas of LA and Hollywood. Quite a difference. The traffic in LA is crazy, crazy. Cars pass you on the shoulder to get past the back ups.

 The colored flags are where they have located bones of the prehistoric animals. If you look closely, you can see the shape of the bones.  The dark areas are tar, not water. This is Pit 91, where they have found the most animals

This is a lake at the front of the property. The small dark areas in the lake are tar bubbling up to the surface.

These are crates full of tar they found when they were digging for a parking garage at the County Museum next door. Each 5 x 5 crate weighs 3 tons.  The bigger ones are 12.  They are filled with tar and bones.

We had seen the real touristy sights many years before and had no desire to fight traffic another day.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sweatshirts Again

December 18, 2010

The weather has taken a turn for the worse. They are expecting more rain here than they have had in several years. Just our luck.  I  have gone from sweatshirts to tank tops and sandals back to sweatshirts. Starting yesterday, it is suppose to rain everyday until we leave. In fact, all the way thru Christmas. Our high was 72 degrees, now we are at 55, with a steady rain. Last year, I didn't bring enough warm weather clothes. This year I didn't bring many cold weather clothes. Sure wish I had some warm boots.  Of course, it is nowhere near the temperatures  in Seattle. It is kind of funny to see the reporters in warm hats and gloves and it is 55 degrees.  They act like is freezing. 

Christmas finally came to the Monster. I don't bring very many decorations because I don't want to take up a lot of room for something that is only out a few weeks. 

We were quite surprised to find a very good  grocery store here in a town of 400. It has everything I wanted. It  has a meat counter with a butcher. No meat in plastic trays here. The bacon is the best I've ever had. They even had fresh salsa made right in the store. I will really miss it when we leave next week. Most of the time, the small town stores have much to be desired. At our last campground, the closest store was 18 miles. 

When we came home yesterday afternoon, we saw some canopies going up in an area that is empty. We wondered what was going on. This morning there were a lot  more canopies,  trucks, RV's and a lot of people milling around.  If you want to know anything you go to the country store. Off I went.  It is a film crew.  They even bought $200  worth of props at the country store the night before. Can't imagine what they bought for props. The country store has some very basic food, drinks and a few tourist things like sunglasses, hats, swimwear, DVD's and such.  The man next to us said that there is alot of filming in the area at various times.  Curious minds want to know more.

Friday, December 10, 2010

In and Out

December 9, 2010

We went to Fullerton, Ca. to get a part for the truck that Denny wanted. We took I-5, but you still go thru downtown LA. Lots of traffic, but not as bad as last year when we went thru pulling our RV. Yikes!   Last year we were there  during morning traffic.  Denny bought a transmission oil pan that cools it better and holds more fluid.  Also bought a differential cover for the rear axle to help with cooling. This is truck speak for all the guys out there reading this.  It is very bad for the truck to have the fluids heat up too much.  I just sat in the truck and read a book.

I have always heard about  In and Out burgers. I had told Denny that if we ever saw one, we had to eat there.  There was one very close to the place we went for the parts.  In all the surveys I've seen, In and Out is always rated the best, with Five Guys 2nd.  There aren't any In and Out's in Washington, so I had to try one here.  I've had Five Guys and they are the best  ever. We just got  one in Washington at the Renton Landing.   Well, I have to tell you, Five Guys is still the best in my book. In and Out was good, but not better. 

On our way back, I found a super secret way to get thru LA without going downtown. It was a breeze. I wish I'd know about it on the way down, but not being from around here, I wasn't sure where we were going.

At our last campground, because of the way we parked, we had sunrises.  Now, the way we are parked, we see the sunsets. Beautiful.

We've never seen such a tiny stop sign.  Saw this on one of our daily walks

We've never seen such a tiny 5th wheel. We had a 25' and this is much smaller.

Flip Flops--Finally

December 7, 2010

We got to Soledad Canyon Tues. It was only 294 miles but it took us 7  1/2 hours because the first 100 miles were very curvy with lots of ups and downs.  We have finally  gotten to some hot weather. It was 75 degrees yesterday.  I finally got to put on my flip flops. I know I will really age myself, but back in my younger days (way back), we called them zorrie's or thongs. You say that now and the younger generation doesn't know what you are talking about.

This is our site. We think it is the best site of all in the area.

  We had our first barbecue yesterday.  It is only 10:30 am today   and it is already 70 degrees.  This is what going south for  the winter  is all about.  We have been hearing about all the rain, wind and lightening you are all having up there.  Don't be too jealous.  Ha!  I put shorts on today.YEA!

We are getting back into our usual groove. After we get set up, we usually walk around the park to check things out.  We hadn't been doing that because of Denny's cold. He is better so our routine is setting in. Every afternoon we walk to get some exercise and explore.

View from outside our trailer.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Goodbye to the Central Coast

December, 6, 2010

The area we are in is called the Central Coast. It's because it's between Northern and Southern California. We have certainly seen a lot of varied landscapes from the Redwoods to Oceans to Forests of the Big Sur to the bare rolling hills.

We are leaving tomorrow for Soledad Canyon. It is just a little north of Los Angeles. Since Denny wasn't feeling very good, we didn't do very much exploring. There is quite a bit to see and do in the area. We like to go to different campgrounds, but we might go back next year to see what we didn't see. That is what's nice about retirement. No set schedule to get back to.

In our wanderings around the area we saw alot of different wildlife. We saw wild turkeys, buffalo, deer and peacocks.  This park is full of birds. I sat and looked out our window in the morning and saw the birds going wild, flying between the trees. I wish I knew what they were. Dark blue, black and white ones, light blue and white ones and some so  tiny you could barely see them. 

We took a walk along the nature trail here today. Every so often they had a station to do exercises. We looked at each one but that is about as far as we got about doing them. We said we'd do them tomorrow, but we are leaving in the morning. Oh well, so much for excerize.  I mentioned before  that the the trees here are very old and huge. Some parts of the trail were a bit spooky. Reminded me of the area of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  Glad I wasn't there at night. Some of the branches are so large and heavy that they are on the ground. Can't see how they bend over without breaking and they are still growing.. 

We are in the middle of wine country. There are a lots of wineries around here. We never got to them, but maybe another time.  There are miles and miles of grape vines, as far as you can see.

These wild turkeys were at Pinnacles National Monument. Denny said it was the largest group of wild turkeys he has ever seen. He saw some at our park, but I never did.

This is a huge tree that is actually 3 trees growing together

Lots of deer in the park. Certainly not afraid of people

Nature Trail around the perimeter of the Park

Today was a beautiful day. It got up to 65 degrees with beautiful blue sky. Hoping to get even warmer further south.  It's not warm enough until I can  put sandals on.

Ocean Views--Absolutly Beautiful

December 3, 2010

Denny finally felt good enough to go for a drive, so off we went.  We drove Highway 1 to Monterey Bay, 17 Mile Drive,  Pebble Beach,  Carmel by the Sea,  and down to Big Sur.   The views, even before you get to Monterey, are beautiful. Highway 1  follows the coastline.  After passing thru  Monterey, we went on 17 Mile Drive. It costs $9.50 per vehicle, but well worth it.  You pass by several golf courses right on the ocean.  There are many mega mansions along the drive.  WOW!  Seeing how the other half  live is amazing. I took a ton of pictures, but I'll only post a few. You will thank me when I tell you I took 50. Pebble Beach is where they hold the U.S Open.  After getting back on Highway 1 after Carmel on the Sea, the coastline changes even more. Very tall jagged hills, straight down to the ocean. Roads are very curvy with lots of ups and downs.

 I picked this guy up along the way. Seems to know a lot about RV's. Think I'll keep him around.

This  is bird/seal rock.  It is so far away that you can't see the seals with your naked eye. You could only hear them and they were quite LOUD. I was quite shocked that I was able to see them with my zoom. Love my camera!

The green/brownish plant is a ground cover that has been planted all over the coastline to protect it from erosion.  The leaves are thick and spiky. Seems like a cactus, but is probably in the sedum family. Makes the coastline very colorful

This is a cedar that is 250 years old. Most of the time they grow in clumps, but this one is all by itself.  Hard to see in the picture but they have put rock and bricks around it to save it for another 50-100 years.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I finally did it

Dec. 1, 2010

I know most people will laugh at me, but, I  did something I have been a little afraid of.  I finally drove our truck. We have had it for 5 years, but I have never driven it. It is a little intimidating to me. It is 22' long. I am used to my van or the caddy.  I never drove it last year on our trip.  I drove it to the laundry building yesterday. There is a lot of wide open spaces and figured I wouldn't hit anything.  I  have lived to tell you about it. Okay, now stop laughing!

Since Denny is still under the weather, I went for a walk today. I was looking for bobcats or deers. The man across from us saw a bobcat yesterday while walking his dogs.  We had already seen alot of deer but not a bobcat.  I had just read that there were bobcats in the park. YIKES! I heard some loud noises coming from a big clump of trees, but I wasn't about to go into them to investigate further.  If I see one out in the open, that's fine, but I'm not going to go into some trees. They are wild animals.

This is a nice park with some huge trees. It is 200 acres on what used to be an old ranch. Some of the trees are over 100 years old. I can certainly tell by how huge they are and how gnarly the bark is.

 There are alot of birds in the tree next to us. Every time I try to take a picture, off they fly. They are a pretty shade of light blue and white.

 You can see how gnarly the bark is on some of the trees

 There are alot of trees even bigger than these

 I take a lot of pictures of sunsets and sunrises.  This is a sunrise, taken right outside of our RV

On my walk I didn't get any pics of a bobcat, but found this girl  peacock. The boys are a lot prettier. I have also seen a lot of deer.

We had a heat wave today. Actually got up to 60 degrees. FINALLY!  It gets very cold at night but warms up during the day. I don't really feel like I have gotten to the warm winters until I get to wear sandals.  Not there yet, but getting close. For 2 days in a row, I have worn slip on shoes without socks. That is a huge leap for me.

Another Oops, Our first Flat tire

November 28,2010

Last Sunday I went outside and Oh No, we had a flat tire.  First one we have had with this truck.  Luckily we weren't driving, especially with the RV.  We had been out Saturday doing errands and somehow picked up a nail.  Denny didn't change it until Monday because he is so sick.  He had a hard time finding the hole because it was so deep in the groove.  Depending on how he feels, we might go into town to get it fixed.  Hopefully it is fixable so we don't have to buy a new tire.

The day before we got here, Denny felt a cold coming on. It was minor for the first couple of days but last Friday, it came on full bore.  Yesterday he woke up with no voice. We haven't really done any sightseeing because he feels so bad. It's no fun sightseeing when you don't feel good.  There is a lot to see around here. The good thing about traveling like we do is that there is always next year.  It is lucky that for the couple of days we had of hard rain and very curvy roads he was feeling good.  For that kind of driving you need to be on your toes.