Saturday, November 10, 2018


October 7, 2018

After the Slieve Cliffs, we went into Donegal Town to see Donegal Castle. It was built in the 15th century by Red O'Donnell. During the Flight of the Earls in 1607, the castle was granted to Cape Basil Brooke, who came to Ireland with the English in 1598. He then remodeled and enlarged it in the Tudor style.

  The first 2 pictures show the Castle  layout when originally built by the O'Donnell's

The next 2 pictures show how the Brooke's added on to the castle, making it much more livable with more space

Notice how thick the walls are

Narrow staircase

After the Castle, most people ( the smart ones)  went back to the hotel because it was so cold,  windy and  rainy. 
A few brave souls ( four, including me) decided to see the remains of the Friary.
Not sure if it was a good idea or not, we were soaked through and through.  Of course, that meant stopping after at a pub to warm up with a pint of Guinness and soup.πŸ˜†πŸΊπŸœ.  Any excuse for a Guinness!

The Friary was built in 1474 by Red O'Donnell, who had built the Castle. In 1602, it was bombarded by English Forces with gun powder that wrecked the buildings. 

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