Monday, November 12, 2018


November 12, 2018

We got back from our trip one month ago today.  I had planned to write my blog during the tour, but I was just too tired in the evening.  There was wifi on the bus, but I was too busy sightseeing to think about looking at my computer.  We had a great time. Ireland is a beautiful, green and very clean country.  The people are so friendly and helpful.  The weather is just like it is in Washington. We never saw any graffiti. Everyone on our tour was really nice and friendly.   They were from several  States, Canada and New Zealand. We became friends with several couples, I wish we didn't live so far apart. There is one couple that we will probably see again. They live in Prescott, AZ, close to where we stay during the winter months.  We met another nice couple from New Jersey, but, you never know, we might meet on another tour.  That would be great.

I hope I didn't bore anyone with all the  commentary (sometimes pretty detailed) and posting so  many pictures. It was so hard to chose. 

I would recommend a trip to Ireland to anyone. It was  so fun and fabulous!

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