Wednesday, November 7, 2018


October 4, 2018

Our destination for the night was Galway.  It has 76,00 people. Until the recession in 2008, it was the fastest growing city in Ireland. It is  still the most International City, with one out of four residents born outside of Ireland. They have closed several streets for pedestrians only. Makes it easier to look around.  As you can tell, the weather was a tad rainy.

This is the King's Head Pub.  It was given to a man that beheaded the King of England, hence the name.  He fled here to get away. We stopped in for lunch and, of course, a pint of Guinness. You get thirsty after shopping!

The churches in Ireland are so beautiful.They are so old and the detail of the workmanship and architecture just amazes me. 

Yes, there was a friar named Peter Rabbit. Of course, he was long before the Peter Rabbit we are familiar with.

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