Wednesday, November 7, 2018


October 3, 2018

The Cliffs of Moher is Ireland's most visited natural attraction with one million visitors a year. The cliffs rise to 702 ' at the highest point and range 5 miles per the Atlantic Ocean on the West Coast of Ireland. Weather wasn't very good that  day, very foggy, couldn't see very far. We  actually felt lucky, this was our first day of not very good weather.  Here is a brief description of how they were formed. About 320 million years ago, this area was much warmer and was situated at the mouth of a river. The river flowed down, bringing mud and sand with it and eventually dumping it all in this  area where it settled and formed the rock layers you see now. I bought some postcards to see the area since it was so foggy

As you can probably tell, these are the postcards

These are my photos

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