Friday, November 9, 2018


October 6, 2018

After leaving Galway, we kept heading North. Our first stop was the Lissadell House in County Sligo.  A Greek Revivalist Style Country home, it  was built between 1830 and 1835. It was the last country home  in this style to be built in Ireland.  Lissadell House was the first country home to have an independent gas supply piped directly to the property. 

Isn't the door tall!!!

All of the furniture was built for the house

All of the tall figures  painted on the walls are of the people that lived here.

The kitchen and other rooms in the basement. It is also where all the full-time servants lived. Can you  imagine cooking in a kitchen like this?  
I can't.

Dedicated room just for the china

This was the bell system to call the servants. Each room had a different bell ring, so the servants knew which room to go to. 

This was the way the servants left the house. They weren't allowed to be seen coming or going.

After the tunnel, this path led to where they could get off the property

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