Friday, November 9, 2018


October 6, 2018

On our way to the hotel in Donegal, we saw a few sights that I wanted to share with you

This is what all the gas pumps look like in Ireland

 This was a first. I  have never seen a Laundromat at a gas station.  This was on the edge of the gas station.  You can fill the tank and do your laundry at the same time. What more could you ask for!

We brought our bathing suits, so finally decided to try the spa. The spa was the temperature of bath water. Not hot at all!!!  Felt like the pool and spa were the same temperature

All of the heaters were on the wall.  Found this in most of all the Ireland hotels we stayed at.

Haven't seen a cigarette machine in many years.  This was the 2nd  one we had seen in a hotel.  It was just off the lobby, on the way to the pool area. You had to  walk across the lobby to get to the pool. Felt a little conspicuous in our pool attire.  


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