Sunday, November 11, 2018


October 9, 2018

After seeing the Giants Causeway, we headed south to Belfast to spend the night. In the morning, we went on a tour of Belfast. 

Wanted to show you more differences in language between us and Ireland

Interesting way to say flu shot. The shot does jab you in your arm, so, I guess,  they are right on point with calling it a flu jab

Parking lot fees

We don't stay in hotels often, but, still have never
seen an automatic pants presser in a room

We never saw any signs for restrooms. They are  called toilets, even in the very fancy restaurants and hotels

Interesting to see on the street, a public restroom (toilet), wonder how much it costs to use?
i know they put some in Pioneer Square in Seattle, but took them away.  People were dealing drugs and prostitution in them. The experiment
didn't work, they sold them for a huge loss. They certainly weren't colorful as these

Quite a combination to sell in one shop, Home Improvements, Flowers and Fancy Dresses.

Post Office Carrier delivering mail.

We saw these crooked lines in a lot of streets in Ireland. Our guide said they are  to designate areas of no  parking.
They are always close to the intersection, but who would park there anyway, especially in the middle lanes?

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