Friday, November 9, 2018


October 5, 2018

After the cruise, we stopped  in Connemara at Dan Ohara's Homestead to see what like life was like back in the 1800's. It was very tough indeed. He lost his homestead, migrated to America and ended up selling cigarettes on the streets of New York City.  His wife and daughter died on the ship going over.  Can you imagine moving from this  view and the freedom he had to selling cigarettes in New York City.  Hard to imagine the hardships he must have gone thru. For that matter, all the  immigrants leaving Ireland and  all over  the world. 

This is the bus we had to take to get to the homestead.

View from the homestead. Far off in the distance you can see the Atlantic Ocean

Dan O'Hara's Homestead

Interior roof 

This is Maddie taking a sip of Poteen, a very strong local whiskey that was a staple in those days.  It was awful!!!  I'm sure i had the same expression.  We became friends with her and her husband Hank.  They are from New Jersey.  

This is our guide showing us how they harvested peat for their  cooking and heating. It was all over the landscape but backbreaking to harvest. After digging it up, it would dry for a few weeks. 

 After drying, this is the shed that the peat was stored in

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