Monday, November 5, 2018


September 28, 2018

We first took a tour of Central Dublin, then over to Dublin Castle. Dublin castle was the set of power and government for many centuries. There has been a settlement here for more than 1000 years. In 1204 King John of England ordered the construction of the castle. Over time, it became the most important fortification in Ireland and over the next 8 centuries functioned as the seat of colonial rule, the center of military and political power.  Sorry if this sounds like a brochure, but I wanted to explain it to you.  This is just a very short synopsis of it.  United States history seems like a minute in time compared to the history of Europe and the rest of the world. It was and is a beautiful place.

Dublin Castle still serves as a place of national Prestige, still hosting important events, including the inauguration of the Irish President every 7 years. The last international visit was from the Queen of England.  

This is a courting couch. The parents sit in the middle. The girl on one end, the boy on the other. Can you imagine 2 people getting to know each other like this. Certainly glad this  custom was lost thru the ages!

This is a wine storage chest.  Beautiful, but a little too big for our house

After getting back to our hotel, we decided to go to Temple Bar. We wanted to go to at  least  once to say we had been there. We took the Luaus tram, which I mentioned in the previous day post.  We got off 2 stops later than we had wanted, but it turned out for the best. I had wanted to go to the Brazen Head pub, the oldest  in Dublin. By getting off at the wrong spot, we were right there.  It  was a Friday night, so the pub was packed. After standing for a while, the only reason we got a seat was that I saw someone start to get up. I was there before they finished getting up. The is how the people after us got our seat. We had delicious Irish stew and, of course, a pint of Guinness. 

After finishing, we walked to Temple Bar. Oh my, what a crazy, busy place. I know now why everyone says you have to experience Temple Bar  at lest once. We went into the first pub. It was so loud, we walked right out.  It was shoulder to shoulder crowded.  Also the next one. Third time is a charm because we found one where the music hadn't started yet. You could at  least hear yourself talk. Then we took the Luaus tram back to the hotel. What an easy way to get around Dublin. What a great first day and night of our tour. 

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