Saturday, November 10, 2018


October 8, 2018

After leaving Derry, we traveled North to the Giants Causeway.  The Giants Causeway is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It stretches for 5 miles. A geological wonder with over 40,000 interlocking belt columns, the result of intense volcanic  and geological activity. It was formed over 60 million years ago and shows the cooling and shrinking of lava flows. As the surface of the lava cooled, it contracted and crystallized into the columns. As the rocks settled, the columns broke off into many stair like steps.

There are many  myths and legends concerning the Giants Causeway. It was the home  of a giant, Finn McCool.  He went to Scotland to spy on his rival, another giant. When he saw how much bigger they were, he ran back to his home. He told his wife to wrap him up in swaddling clothes like a baby. When the Scottish giant came over for a look see, he saw Finn dressed as a baby. He became petrified because he wondered how big the adults would be if the babies were that huge. He ran home over the interlocking columns and never bothered Fin again.

Another legend is that it is the earth offering God his choice of 37,000 cigarettes. Which story do you believe! One of them has to be true!

Walking to the Giants causeway

Views of the Giants Causeway

The birthday boy

I don't think I would be climbing up, looks kind of scary.  I climbed to the top, but in a much safer way

It was so windy that I wanted to show you this picture. A gust of wind came up and she had to try to straddle the rocks to stay upright.  She was one of the ladies on the bus tour. Sometimes you had to grab the rocks themselves to stop you from being blown over.  You had to be very careful because they were wet and slippery

Finn McCool's  foot

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