Tuesday, November 6, 2018


September 30, 2018

After staying in Dublin for 2 nights, we were finally off to see Ireland. Going south, we stopped to view the Rock Of Cashell off in the distance.

Our first destination was Blarney Castle.  It is the best  known  and  most photographed attraction in Ireland.  The legend is that if you kiss the famous Blarney stone, you will get the gift of gab.  The first tower was originally built in 1446. The 2nd tower 100 years later. It has 18' thick walls.  

Notice the seam in the middle of the tower. That shows the 2 different towers, the one on the right being the oldest.  The skinny windows were built for security, you could shoot out of it, but little area for your enemies to hit you. It was very unusual for it's day because of the built out window at the lower right. It was the Kings bedchamber, almost like a garden window of today


Notice the hole at the top.  After walking up  this is where you lean  BACK over the empty space to kiss the Blarney Stone. There is a man there the holds you while you lean back. I didn't want to kiss a stone that had been kissed by millions of people. UCK!  We didn't walk up, but many people did.  Guess that's why we don't have the gift of gab!

They had a garden to mix up potions to give to their enemies that they  didn't like and wanted to die. It was quite extensive.

This is the house where the people actually lived that bought the Castle.No one live there now.  Beautiful

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